Land of Cyborg
In the near future after the planet Earth has been sucked empty of its beautiful greenery, clean water and rich soil. Where all the species have disappeared, there is still hope! Due to the fact that humanity was more focused on improving the advancement of androids and electronics they finally figured out a way how to extract and maintain a human soul through the help of androids, creating Cyborgs. For this improvement on humanity it has created a more rational thinking, durable and focused human breed. Their main goal - save what they can and create plants and animals that will adapt with the new ecosystem of the planet Earth.
Land of Cyborg is my original idea for an action adventure game. Due to the lack of team numbers and time the decision was made to create a trailer for the game.
As the creator of the idea I was in charge of the story, camera angles, characters, props, environment, sculpting, texturing, lighting, rendering and editing. Managed and gave direction to 3 other team members as they assisted on this project.
Was produced and rendered in Unreal Engine 4.
Substance Painter